Apr 23, 2016

Htamane Festival


Myanmar has praised the standard Htamane Festival by possessing a cooking rivalry at Shwedagon Pagoda in Yangon.

The opposition had a 3, 000 US dollars compensate and pulled in 36 groups from federal government associations and private companies. Htamane is a mix of glutinous rice, coconut cuts, sesame seeds, nuts and a liberal steps of cooking oil.

The Htamane Festival is placed all through Myanmar constantly in November in Myanmar's lunar calender to signify and respect the accomplishment of the storm rice pick. The Htamane Festival furthermore advances solidarity and common backing, as the mixing of the glutinous nourishment requires collaboration.

More Htamane making on Saturday... at the Tipitaka Monastery in Kent

Two to four men beat the grain in a substantial heated wok, going all around. They should cooperate, their oars moving in a situation of harmony. While fun as it is to watch, making this sticky rice dish or htamane is a substantial measure of work. Just before long, somebody will leave and another will suppose their position at the wok. The htamane is merely tantamount to the muscle control that goes into so that it is. Every bunch of rice needs right around a 30 minutes before it turns into a sticky glutinous mass. Among this time around, somebody includes the remaining fixings in and they get blended in with the rice.

In Kent WA, part of the group met up Friday night to make the Htamane for the next day. Despite the fact that it was getting dull and cool, there was clearly a ton of warmth in the estruendo of the htamane making. Outside, there were two woks with solid men alternating to make htamane. Inside the connecting shed, the fixings were prepared and a flame lit up to warm up wintry hands.

As soon as the principal clumps of htamane were done, the top was skimmed off to offer to the Buddha as a tribute. We were encouraged in to the celebration and made welcome to talk about of the htamane. The generous segment of the gingery white htamane with a lot of broiled peanuts and the cocoa and somewhat sweeter htamane warmed and invigorated us for whatever remains of the night time. I cherished it. The glutinous rice was gross to the point that it was less requiring to eat without forks, removing little partitions with the hands.

The following morning hours, the whole group was in participation and a merry climate was visible all around. Individuals padded up for the htamane and different dishes, for example, mohinga that different cooks had arranged. The children getting up to speed using their companions, the old watching all the movement, and the planners ensuring every person was invited and had nourishment.

I eliminated out brimming with great sustenance additionally with a recharged feeling of the significance of uniting individuals to praise, cook, show and have a reasonable time.